CloneXplorer Platform

CloneXplorer is the next-generation live single-cell assay platform that combines functional imaging and molecular readouts with integrated cell retrieval. Continuous microscopic observation of >100,000 cells in one plate for extended durations provides high resolution CAR T-cell potency testing, mAB/TCR discovery, cell line development, and precision medicine.

  • Timelapse 4-color imaging for real-time morphological, functional, and molecular measurements, plus sequencing-based readouts

  • AI-based cell detection and tracking of each cell’s functions associated to its phenotype

  • Microfluidics-free, standard 96-well cell culture format

  • Cell or clone picking capabilities for downstream analysis or cell line development

  • 100,000+ single-cell functional assays per experiment

Start Using Next-Gen Cell Assays

Instruments are available, currently limited to beta testing and an early access program. Contact to express interest and discuss options to start using next-gen cell assays with the CloneXplorer platform.